Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Random Thoughts

I received a call tonight from a friend of my who was out at the Freeborn County Fair today.
He told me that the Republican booth was lacking their nice big pictures of President George W Bush and VP Dick Cheney. Gee what happened Guys and Gals don't tell me that you want to forget the last 7 years too.

My friend also told me that the Freeborn County GOP was going to give away $20.00 for free gasoline in a drawing on Sunday. So I decided to do the math and when I figured in the price of gas at today's price of 3.59 a gallon the total gas you will win in the drawing is 5.6 gallons. They must figure that they can't afford to five away a full tank because it would cost them to much. So being the conservatives that they are they must of figured that a quarter of a tank was enough.

My friend also said that the Freeborn County DFL was giving away some Tim Walz T-shirts which lasted less then 10 minutes before they were all gone. He also said that the Robin Brown Fans were going like hot cakes. On a day like today I would take a Robin Brown fan over a GOP Sticker any day.

1 comment:

Minnesota Central said...

Last week at the Waseca County Fair, the MN-GOP has 8x10 head shots of Bush and Cheney centered in the middle ... I was somewhat surprised since they are not running this term ... but then I noticed a sign "Dick Day for Senate" and then I realized that they are living in a bygone day.