Thursday, January 29, 2009

Feel the pain

Well we see that Governor Tim Pawlenty is at it again . Wanting to balance a project 4.8 billion dollar deficit on the backs of middle and low income Minnesotans.

here is a couple of cuts that Gov. Pawlenty is proposing:

a 10 to 15 percent reduction in projected subsidies known as local government aid to counties, cities and townships

this could mean that Potholes will not get fixed roads might not get plowed or sanded and loss of local services.

In the area of health and human services

84,000 adults will lose their state-subsidized health coverage

cuts millions of dollars in payments to hospitals

Long-term care providers will take a 3 percent rate hit in the governor's budget.

It is interesting that Patti Cullen, President and CEO of Care Providers of Minnesota, said that you can only draw one conclusion after reading the Governor's budget plan.

"Don't be poor and old unless you have loved ones to take care of

In a recent letter to the editor in the Albert Lea Tribune the writer said
We need to keep funding programs that helps to keep our elderly out of nursing
homes. It’s far cheaper for the state to provide a couple hours of care for an
elderly living in their own homes than to have to pay the cost of residing in a
nursing home. Likewise, let’s not forget that Human Services provides care for
those with mental illnesses. Without this care, many would be living on the
street — without medicine. Think of the repercussions of cutting Human Services!

The Governor's proposal could mean a $146 million cut in the MnSCU budget over the next two years
This could mean laying off hundreds of employees, cut programs and classes, and close some MnSCU campuses

In the 21 century We need an educated work force This proposal will force colleges to increase tuition cost and will put out of reach a college education for many children from middle and low income families.

Well we at Talk the Talk have a proposal for the Governor to consider. We understand that Governor Pawlenty is a big proponent for pay-for-performance structure known as Q Comp for teachers.

Maybe it's time that Q comp be installed in figuring the salary for the Governor! After six year with Tim Pawlenty in the Governors office and two diferent Billion dollar deficits I propose that the Governor Pawlenty cut his salary by 50%.

It's time that you feel some of the pain that you are willing to inflict on the citizens of Minnesota.

every little bit helps

I wish to say thank you to Rep Tim Walz for again giving pack his congressional pay raise. Rep Walz has returned his salary increases to the U.S. Treasury each year since he was first elected in 2006
The Star Tribune story says that

Walz, realized a few thousand dollars wouldn't fix the economy or pay down the country's $10 trillion debt. "But every little bit helps," Walz added "We're all in this together and now is not the time for a pay raise"

Thanks Rep. Walz

Friday, January 2, 2009

It's Possible

While surfing the web tonight I ran into a nice piece on mnpACT! on the Top 10 Worst Political Persons in Minnesota in 2008

Their's a couple that really caught my eye

#5 Marty Seifert. The golden tongued House minority
leader had some great moments in 2008. He managed his job as obstructionist
quite well and I am sure we can expect more of it in the future. Relishing his
role as Governor Pawlenty's "firewall" in the legislature, Marty got a little
overzealous in control of his troops. The break by the "override six" on the
transportation bill caused one of the more unusual legislative retributions that
anyone can remember. Doling out committee sanctions against those who would dare
break with his wall of obstruction, he managed to fuel a conservative backlash
that savaged these members of his own party. One retired and two others will not
be coming back. In the 2008 election, the House lost two more seats and a
reflective Seifert has said that type of tactic will be dispensed with in the
future. Still, with the Senate in veto-proof DFL control, Rep. Seifert will be
looking for "automaton-like" control of the remainder of his troops. Governor
Pawlenty is counting

With Marty coming back as Minority Leader for the next two years could the House become veto proof in 2011. ?

Then there was #2

2. Tim Pawlenty.
Now how in the world could a governor with a 55+% approval rating be on this
list? Well, let's see. He has overseen Minnesota's worst economic
performance in
recent memory, with thousands of jobs lost. He had a major
bridge fall down on
his watch. He has had 2 commissioners removed, either by
resignation or the
State Senate. The legislative auditor has criticized his JOBZ program. The DNR partied on the
dole. An employee in charge of dealing with disasters is AWOL on the
one. And he will soon be dealing with the largest per capita state deficit in
the nation. Pawlenty
always has a good excuse for all that
negative stuff. It is always somebody or
something else's
fault. From
high taxes to gusset plates to DFL irresponsibilty to local government largesse to an economy out
of his control. Governor Pawlenty has done a "great" job....he just has had
too many others messing it all up. For years we have heard the excuses. And
years we have watched Minnesota decline. Pawlenty almost parlayed that "aw shucks" style into
a Vice Presidential bid...but he got outgunned by Sarah Palin. Maybe that speaks
volumes by itself.

Since Tim Pawlenty was first elected to the Minnesota House in 1992 and was chosen House Majority Leader in 1998 the state has gone for having billion dollar surpluses to mufti Billion dollar deficits. The latest could grow to over $6 billion by February forecast. With that kind of leadership could we see the first elected DFL Governor in 20 years in 2010!
Its possible!!!!