Tuesday, April 8, 2008


It looks as if all the hard work done by Rep. Robin Brown and Sen. Dan Sparks has paid off. As far as i can tell it looks like all of the local projects in the 2008 bonding bill made it through. There was a nice article in the Albert Lea Tribune today.

In the 2008 bonding bill, Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Monday approved $2.5 million in funding to clean up the North Edgewater Park landfill, though he cut $208 million in other funding requests across the state.“You just have to see the smile on my face right now,” District 27A Rep. Robin Brown said after hearing the news. “This truly was an example of people working together, and I have to thank the community members for being heavily involved. I really consider it a community project. I’m so proud of everyone.”...

Senator Sparks added

It was something we worked hard to get started,” state Sen. Dan Sparks said.
“We pitched in and told everyone that this is a real priority, for not only Albert Lea,
but also Freeborn County.” Sparks said he thinks bonding for Riverland Community College and for the cities of Manchester and Myrtle also received approval.

If anyone is interested here is a link to the projects that were cut from the bill
Projects cut.

Thank you, Rep Brown and Senator Sparks for all your hard work.

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