After reading the Albert Lea Tribunes editorial yesterday (Pawlenty deserves the real thanks) I had to stop and think for a minute. I remember last May (2007) that Governor Pawlenty Vetoed the bonding bill which had the edgewater project in it. When the bill was revised and sent back for final passage, slowdown tatics were perpertated by the Republicans keep the revised bill from coming to the floor in the final hours of the 2007 session Then when the Governor Pawlenty set his priorities for this years Bonding Bill late last fall the Edgewater project was again left out. So I have to disagree with the Tribune on this issue. Representative Robin Brown and Senator Dan Sparks have worked very hard to see this come to pass and have done a great job. Mayor Randy Erdman and all the local groups do deserve credit credit for a job well done. But the Citizens of Freeborn County really need to be commended. They called, wrote letters sent e-mails in support of this important project. it shows Grass Root politic at its very best Yes, Gov.Pawlenty deserves a thank you for not Line-item vetoing our projects in the bonding bill this year. But if Governor Pawlenty truly deserve the real thanks he should have signed the bill last year before another 1820 gallons of toxic waste would have seeped into our lakes.
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