here is a couple of cuts that Gov. Pawlenty is proposing:
a 10 to 15 percent reduction in projected subsidies known as local government aid to counties, cities and townships
this could mean that Potholes will not get fixed roads might not get plowed or sanded and loss of local services.
In the area of health and human services
84,000 adults will lose their state-subsidized health coverage
cuts millions of dollars in payments to hospitals
Long-term care providers will take a 3 percent rate hit in the governor's budget.
It is interesting that Patti Cullen, President and CEO of Care Providers of Minnesota, said that you can only draw one conclusion after reading the Governor's budget plan.
"Don't be poor and old unless you have loved ones to take care ofIn a recent letter to the editor in the Albert Lea Tribune the writer said
We need to keep funding programs that helps to keep our elderly out of nursingMNSCU
homes. It’s far cheaper for the state to provide a couple hours of care for an
elderly living in their own homes than to have to pay the cost of residing in a
nursing home. Likewise, let’s not forget that Human Services provides care for
those with mental illnesses. Without this care, many would be living on the
street — without medicine. Think of the repercussions of cutting Human Services!
The Governor's proposal could mean a $146 million cut in the MnSCU budget over the next two years
This could mean laying off hundreds of employees, cut programs and classes, and close some MnSCU campuses
In the 21 century We need an educated work force This proposal will force colleges to increase tuition cost and will put out of reach a college education for many children from middle and low income families.
Well we at Talk the Talk have a proposal for the Governor to consider. We understand that Governor Pawlenty is a big proponent for pay-for-performance structure known as Q Comp for teachers.
Maybe it's time that Q comp be installed in figuring the salary for the Governor! After six year with Tim Pawlenty in the Governors office and two diferent Billion dollar deficits I propose that the Governor Pawlenty cut his salary by 50%.
It's time that you feel some of the pain that you are willing to inflict on the citizens of Minnesota.