Over the last six months Gov. Tim Pawlenty and now the United States Supreme Court has decided that the way states and Federal Campaigns are funded must change.
Since 1990 the citizens of Minnesota had the opportunity to donated to a political party or candidate of there choosing and were eligible to receive a tax refund of fifty dollars for and individual filers or a hundred dollars for couples from the state. With the governor doing away with this program it is projected that the state of Minnesota will save $10 million in each budget cycle or roughly five million a year. This ends up being a drop in the bucket in away to fix this years budget deficit.
In a story on Minnesota public radio last June Common Cause Minnesota's Mike Dean the executive director of the non-partisan watch dog group, said the tax refund has been a valuable way to engage average people in the political process. Dean said he has concerns that big money will have a bigger influence on candidates.
Well it looks like Mr. Dean concerns were valid. On Friday Jan 22, 2010 the United States Supreme Court struck down a major portion of a 2002 campaign finance reform law. What the supreme court has done in this ruling is to open the flood gates of corporations and Labor Unions dollars in future elections. In doing so the balance of power has changed. Candidates will now become beholden to Corporations Lobbyist, special interest groups and Labor Unions to help in finance the political campaigns leaving the common citizens out of the equation.
We will see its effects starting in this upcoming election. More deep pockets outsiders will be using their tact's of mudslinging and dirty politics to the extent of which we have never seen before in an attempt to buy elections.
That leaves you and me the common citizens as the big losers.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, October 19, 2009
It's time to fix the Dam
The debate over the ownership of the Albert Lea Lake Dam along with fixing and/or replacement of the dam has been going on for far to long. The time has come for the Shell Rock River Watershed and the Freeborn County Board of Commissioners to put this issue to rest. The old Albert Lea lake dam is again leaking and is need of repair. The facts are that even with aerators in Albert Lea Lake this winter, if nothing is done to keep the water in the lake by fixing the dam their will be a major fish kill in Albert Lea Lake and millions of walleyes will be lost. Make know mistake about it, if this allowed happening there will be an economical impact felt on our community.
The time is now for the Freeborn County Board of Commissioners and the Shell Rock River Watershed to sit down with the land owner of the property surrounding the Albert Lea Lake dam and settle this issue. No more games, no more obstructionist tactics. There needs to be straight forward and honest negotiations that lead to an agreement reached with the property owner giving Freeborn County outright ownership of the Albert Lea Lake dam and the right to Freeborn County and the Shell Rock River Watershed employees or representatives to enter and leave the landowners property to be able to inspect and or fix the counties dam or other issues that may arise in regards to water quality, when needed.
The time to either fixed or replaced this dam is here. This issue has gone on for far too long and as I stated before the water needs to be stopped from leaking out of the exciting dam. There is $150,000 in matching funds from the DNR that can be used to fix the dam and we need to take full advantage of these funds while we still can. I would like to ask our leaders who are making these decisions to please put any personal issues aside. There needs to be some give and take on this issue and you need to come up with a compromise soon.
Please don’t allow a winter kill to happen that would result in the lost of millions of good size walleyes? Please tell your County Commissioner and the members of the Shell Rock Watershed Board that the time has come to settle this issue once and for all. Clear up the ownership issue and fix or replace the dam now, so this issue is settled!
The time is now for the Freeborn County Board of Commissioners and the Shell Rock River Watershed to sit down with the land owner of the property surrounding the Albert Lea Lake dam and settle this issue. No more games, no more obstructionist tactics. There needs to be straight forward and honest negotiations that lead to an agreement reached with the property owner giving Freeborn County outright ownership of the Albert Lea Lake dam and the right to Freeborn County and the Shell Rock River Watershed employees or representatives to enter and leave the landowners property to be able to inspect and or fix the counties dam or other issues that may arise in regards to water quality, when needed.
The time to either fixed or replaced this dam is here. This issue has gone on for far too long and as I stated before the water needs to be stopped from leaking out of the exciting dam. There is $150,000 in matching funds from the DNR that can be used to fix the dam and we need to take full advantage of these funds while we still can. I would like to ask our leaders who are making these decisions to please put any personal issues aside. There needs to be some give and take on this issue and you need to come up with a compromise soon.
Please don’t allow a winter kill to happen that would result in the lost of millions of good size walleyes? Please tell your County Commissioner and the members of the Shell Rock Watershed Board that the time has come to settle this issue once and for all. Clear up the ownership issue and fix or replace the dam now, so this issue is settled!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Why is healthcare not a right?
Why is it a right to bare arms yet if you are wounded by a gun you don’t have the right to healthcare to save your life.
Why is it that conservatives fight for the rights of the unborn yet refuse to provide the right of healthcare for that same child after its birth?
Why are we turning our citizens away from taking life saving medications because they do not have the money to pay for their medications?
Why are we forcing our seniors to cut there medications and take half doses because of the high cost of prescription drugs?
Why is socialized healthcare ok for seniors with Medicare and for veterans through the V.A., yet it is not ok to come up with some type of public option for the millions of hard working Americans whose employers do not offer affordable healthcare insurance to their employees?
Why is it we can afford to kill people in foreign wars but we cannot afford to save lives here at home?
Why do we hide our heads in the sands and deny that our healthcare system is broken?
Why is it a right to bare arms yet if you are wounded by a gun you don’t have the right to healthcare to save your life.
Why is it that conservatives fight for the rights of the unborn yet refuse to provide the right of healthcare for that same child after its birth?
Why are we turning our citizens away from taking life saving medications because they do not have the money to pay for their medications?
Why are we forcing our seniors to cut there medications and take half doses because of the high cost of prescription drugs?
Why is socialized healthcare ok for seniors with Medicare and for veterans through the V.A., yet it is not ok to come up with some type of public option for the millions of hard working Americans whose employers do not offer affordable healthcare insurance to their employees?
Why is it we can afford to kill people in foreign wars but we cannot afford to save lives here at home?
Why do we hide our heads in the sands and deny that our healthcare system is broken?
Monday, August 17, 2009
It seems like one would have to be living under a rock or lost on a deserted island to not have heard all the chatter going on over healthcare right now. To listen to the Right, one would think that the sky is falling. When watching critics of health care reform screaming on the news or reading letters to the editor, one has to wonder:
Why is the health care industry spending more then 1.4 million a day lobbying Congress?
Ethically speaking, how can we accept the fact that nearly 46 million Americans today are living without any type of health insurance, and 25 million more Americans are underinsured?
Why aren’t they outraged by the fact that healthcare premiums have increased by 120% since 1999, yet wages over the same period have only increased by 29%?
Studies conducted at Harvard University found that 50% of bankruptcy filings were partly the result of medical expenses. This is something that is undeniable; we all know someone whose quality of life is diminished because they can’t afford the care that saved their life. Why do the critics vehemently support a system that is financial death for so many Americans?
Seniors are encouraged to tell the government to stay out of their healthcare and they are happy with their Medicare plans; but don’t they realize that Medicare is a government run socialized healthcare plan? How loud would the roar be if Medicare was done away with and seniors were force to buy all their health care insurance on the open market?
Critics are using scare tactics and lies and because of that we are lynching our political representatives and not the pharmaceutical and medical industries who are making massive profits. They have figured out how to take advantage of the system and victimize us hard working American Citizens. And now that their easy road to wealth to is in jeopardy they are trying to get us to fight their battles for them. They say that with Medicare part A scheduled to be broke by 2017 we need to oppose reform because the government can’t do anything right. That is a ridiculous logical fallacy fueled by the very people and organizations robbing and draining our bank accounts every day. We need to take action and safeguard the program and stop them from draining the funds through exorbitant and unnecessary fees. Healthcare in this country is broken and reform is necessary.
AARP has brought some issues to the table that I feel need to be addressed in any new healthcare plan. Like, guaranteeing access to affordable coverage for Americans age 50-64. With unemployment hovering at 9.5% and older workers losing their jobs and health insurance along with the sky rocketing cost of COBRA, there needs to be some type of safety net in place.
We need to close the Medicare Part D coverage gap or "doughnut hole." How many of you have been caught in the doughnut hole with your prescription coverage and had to pay for the cost of your medicines out of pocket. Something needs to be done to fix this.
Creating a Medicare-transition benefit helps patients safely return to their homes after hospital stays—thus preventing costly hospital readmissions.
AARP is watching the final bill so that it includes increased federal funding and eligibility for home and community-based services through Medicaid, so older Americans can remain in their homes—thus avoiding expensive nursing homes. I would think every senior would be in favor of having the option of having a PCA come to your home and assist you with tasks, so you can live in your own home for as long as possible. Also, it will be creating more jobs and putting people back to work.
In 45 states across the country, insurance companies have the right to discriminate against a people based on their pre-existing conditions when they try to purchase health insurance directly from insurance companies. They can deny you coverage, charge higher premiums, and/or refuse to cover that particular medical condition. That is an unethical status quo that must change.
Lastly, I would like to ask those who do not like the healthcare bill that is being considered in Congress, why they haven’t stepped up with their own healthcare reform bill. It looks like they want to be obstructionists more than doing what is best for the American people. CNN reports quite regularly on the death threats, mobs, and lies that the critics of health care are supporting. This must stop. The violent seas of this debate are confusing those who need to understand it the most. Let’s stop the fear tactics and use maturity in our debates. Our future depends on you.
Why is the health care industry spending more then 1.4 million a day lobbying Congress?
Ethically speaking, how can we accept the fact that nearly 46 million Americans today are living without any type of health insurance, and 25 million more Americans are underinsured?
Why aren’t they outraged by the fact that healthcare premiums have increased by 120% since 1999, yet wages over the same period have only increased by 29%?
Studies conducted at Harvard University found that 50% of bankruptcy filings were partly the result of medical expenses. This is something that is undeniable; we all know someone whose quality of life is diminished because they can’t afford the care that saved their life. Why do the critics vehemently support a system that is financial death for so many Americans?
Seniors are encouraged to tell the government to stay out of their healthcare and they are happy with their Medicare plans; but don’t they realize that Medicare is a government run socialized healthcare plan? How loud would the roar be if Medicare was done away with and seniors were force to buy all their health care insurance on the open market?
Critics are using scare tactics and lies and because of that we are lynching our political representatives and not the pharmaceutical and medical industries who are making massive profits. They have figured out how to take advantage of the system and victimize us hard working American Citizens. And now that their easy road to wealth to is in jeopardy they are trying to get us to fight their battles for them. They say that with Medicare part A scheduled to be broke by 2017 we need to oppose reform because the government can’t do anything right. That is a ridiculous logical fallacy fueled by the very people and organizations robbing and draining our bank accounts every day. We need to take action and safeguard the program and stop them from draining the funds through exorbitant and unnecessary fees. Healthcare in this country is broken and reform is necessary.
AARP has brought some issues to the table that I feel need to be addressed in any new healthcare plan. Like, guaranteeing access to affordable coverage for Americans age 50-64. With unemployment hovering at 9.5% and older workers losing their jobs and health insurance along with the sky rocketing cost of COBRA, there needs to be some type of safety net in place.
We need to close the Medicare Part D coverage gap or "doughnut hole." How many of you have been caught in the doughnut hole with your prescription coverage and had to pay for the cost of your medicines out of pocket. Something needs to be done to fix this.
Creating a Medicare-transition benefit helps patients safely return to their homes after hospital stays—thus preventing costly hospital readmissions.
AARP is watching the final bill so that it includes increased federal funding and eligibility for home and community-based services through Medicaid, so older Americans can remain in their homes—thus avoiding expensive nursing homes. I would think every senior would be in favor of having the option of having a PCA come to your home and assist you with tasks, so you can live in your own home for as long as possible. Also, it will be creating more jobs and putting people back to work.
In 45 states across the country, insurance companies have the right to discriminate against a people based on their pre-existing conditions when they try to purchase health insurance directly from insurance companies. They can deny you coverage, charge higher premiums, and/or refuse to cover that particular medical condition. That is an unethical status quo that must change.
Lastly, I would like to ask those who do not like the healthcare bill that is being considered in Congress, why they haven’t stepped up with their own healthcare reform bill. It looks like they want to be obstructionists more than doing what is best for the American people. CNN reports quite regularly on the death threats, mobs, and lies that the critics of health care are supporting. This must stop. The violent seas of this debate are confusing those who need to understand it the most. Let’s stop the fear tactics and use maturity in our debates. Our future depends on you.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Political Contribution Refund program
If you haven't already heard the Political Contribution Refund program which as citizens contribute to candidates for state office will end on June 30 as part of Gov. Pawlenty's plans to balance the state budget through unallottment.
Let's face the truth , the 10 million dollars that the state will save over the next two years isn't really going to make a dent in the multi-billion dollar deficit were facing. But what it does is it takes the peoples voice out of our government. Many citizens that now give to political party's or to candidates may now think twice in doing so because the refunds will no longer be coming in the mail. That means that special interest groups with deep pockets will be buying there influence in St. Paul. Is this a good thing for the citizens of our state????
But there may be a challenge to this abuse of power by the Governor.
According to the Mpls Star Tribune, Mike Dean, president of Common Cause Minnesota, said Monday that the group has been talking with lawyers and law professors over whether Pawlenty can make his unallotment "We're very concerned about the abuse of power here," Dean said. "We have consulted legal experts to make sure we're correct, but we think there are grounds. We would engage someone who would be injured -- a legislative candidate -- to file the actual lawsuit."
This abuse of power by Gov. Pawlenty needs to be challenged. The peoples voice needs to be kept in our state government.
Let's face the truth , the 10 million dollars that the state will save over the next two years isn't really going to make a dent in the multi-billion dollar deficit were facing. But what it does is it takes the peoples voice out of our government. Many citizens that now give to political party's or to candidates may now think twice in doing so because the refunds will no longer be coming in the mail. That means that special interest groups with deep pockets will be buying there influence in St. Paul. Is this a good thing for the citizens of our state????
But there may be a challenge to this abuse of power by the Governor.
According to the Mpls Star Tribune, Mike Dean, president of Common Cause Minnesota, said Monday that the group has been talking with lawyers and law professors over whether Pawlenty can make his unallotment "We're very concerned about the abuse of power here," Dean said. "We have consulted legal experts to make sure we're correct, but we think there are grounds. We would engage someone who would be injured -- a legislative candidate -- to file the actual lawsuit."
This abuse of power by Gov. Pawlenty needs to be challenged. The peoples voice needs to be kept in our state government.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Paul Thissen

I had the opportunity to chat with Paul Thissen recently who is a candidate for Governor in 2010. After our chat I listen to Paul speak I was impressed to say the least
Here is a person that knows the issues and the hardships facing Minnesotans today
Paul understands that stripping away heath care coverage for the poorest Minnesotans is wrong.
Paul realises that Minnesota is growing older and we must make sure that our parents and older neighbors live independently, with dignity and in their community as long as possible.
Paul will keep our focus on Renewable Energy buy keeping Minnesota a leader in “going green.”
My only advise to Mr Thissen would be that he try and get out in rural Minnesota more and listen to the problems we in rural areas of the state are facing .
Here is a link to his Website
Here is a candidate worth watching!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Minnesota is a wonderful state to live and raise a family; I am proud to be a Minnesotan. The world knows that the State of Minnesota does the right thing for all of its citizens, especially those facing economic hardship, and citizens with disabilities. Under the leadership of Governor Tim Pawlenty the world will be disappointed in our great state’s moral leadership. The Governor has reached a new low point with his line-item veto of $381 million of General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) program in the health and human services bill.
The Governor has killed a program that provides medical care to our poorest Minnesotans, persons with disabilities, and individuals suffering from mental illness. Over 30,000 Minnesotans will be affected by this line-item veto, and in less than a year our Governor will forsake our neighbors, our friends, those we care for, members of our churches, and our communities.
The Democrats in office found a way to keep GAMC for the poor by raising the state income tax for the wealthiest Minnesota by $109.00 a year what that means is that a family earning over $250,000.00 a year would have to pay an extra $2.10 in state income tax every week. $2.10 a week is that too much to ask our wealthiest Minnesotans to pay to make sure that the poorest Minnesotans can receive healthcare services and medications? In these economic times we must ask ourselves, will Governor Pawlenty also forsake us in our greatest time of need?
It is a dark day in Minnesota when the poor and disabled are forced to chose between food and necessary medical visits to their physician. As a result they will only be able to visit the doctor in life or death situations, and sadly by then it will be too late. Who will care for their families then? No one, they will slip into the depths of poverty beyond comprehension. It’s too bad that the Governor feels that the poorest Minnesotans do not deserve to receive preventive healthcare. It is too bad for our state, our community, our churches, and the families that must suffer the consequences of our Governor’s actions.
Are you wondering what is next on the governor’s hit list? History and logic show that it will likely be an all out assault on programs that help care for the elderly such as state funding for Nursing Homes and Group Homes, and on low income individuals and families. Do you have 100% job security? Could you fall in that category someday? State funding for Hospitals has already been talked about that the Albert Lea Medical Center (ALMC) may lose over $4.1 Million in state funding over the next two years. ALMC is an essential part of our community, if that gets hit I doubt that we will be able to recover. How many people do you know that work there? Do you work there? Do you visit a physician there? Are you immune to the ramifications of Governor Pawlenty’s cuts? Please make a stand for what is right and just before it is too late. Stand up for yourself, and stand up for those who cannot defend themselves!
There is no doubt that Tim Pawlenty will leave his mark on the History of Minnesota, and it will be remembered as Minnesota’s DARK AGES.
The Governor has killed a program that provides medical care to our poorest Minnesotans, persons with disabilities, and individuals suffering from mental illness. Over 30,000 Minnesotans will be affected by this line-item veto, and in less than a year our Governor will forsake our neighbors, our friends, those we care for, members of our churches, and our communities.
The Democrats in office found a way to keep GAMC for the poor by raising the state income tax for the wealthiest Minnesota by $109.00 a year what that means is that a family earning over $250,000.00 a year would have to pay an extra $2.10 in state income tax every week. $2.10 a week is that too much to ask our wealthiest Minnesotans to pay to make sure that the poorest Minnesotans can receive healthcare services and medications? In these economic times we must ask ourselves, will Governor Pawlenty also forsake us in our greatest time of need?
It is a dark day in Minnesota when the poor and disabled are forced to chose between food and necessary medical visits to their physician. As a result they will only be able to visit the doctor in life or death situations, and sadly by then it will be too late. Who will care for their families then? No one, they will slip into the depths of poverty beyond comprehension. It’s too bad that the Governor feels that the poorest Minnesotans do not deserve to receive preventive healthcare. It is too bad for our state, our community, our churches, and the families that must suffer the consequences of our Governor’s actions.
Are you wondering what is next on the governor’s hit list? History and logic show that it will likely be an all out assault on programs that help care for the elderly such as state funding for Nursing Homes and Group Homes, and on low income individuals and families. Do you have 100% job security? Could you fall in that category someday? State funding for Hospitals has already been talked about that the Albert Lea Medical Center (ALMC) may lose over $4.1 Million in state funding over the next two years. ALMC is an essential part of our community, if that gets hit I doubt that we will be able to recover. How many people do you know that work there? Do you work there? Do you visit a physician there? Are you immune to the ramifications of Governor Pawlenty’s cuts? Please make a stand for what is right and just before it is too late. Stand up for yourself, and stand up for those who cannot defend themselves!
There is no doubt that Tim Pawlenty will leave his mark on the History of Minnesota, and it will be remembered as Minnesota’s DARK AGES.
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